Getting Started

Client Portal Setup

There is one prerequisite before a client can create projects and services. SMS providers need to be configured properly so that services can be consumed via API.

SMS Providers

NTH provider will be primarily used for the configured country numbers. If the number is outside of the country numbers list, Twilio provider will be used as a fallback.


Companies can have any number of projects configured. When creating a project it only requires a name. By clicking on a specific project, it will open a Project Details page.

Projects Services

On the Project Details page, you will be able to manage Services which can then be consumed via API. Projects can have any number of services.

Configuring a service is quite comprehensive and it has the following options:

API Keys

Once a service is created a unique API key can be generated which is required for the service to be consumed via API. Once generated the API key will be displayed only once for security reasons. If lost, a new key must be generated.